We represent clients in both foster care adoptions and in private adoptions. It’s important to hire an experience adoption attorney who has navigated the laws successfully. We also handle foster parent and adult adoptions for ….
Alimony or spousal support is money that is paid by the supporting spouse to the dependent spouse after a couple separates. The amount of Alimony and the length it’s paid is based on many factors including the income of the parties, the length of the marriage…

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Child custody simply means how do parents share time with their children and make decisions for them. We handle child custody cases from the simplest of agreements to the most difficult cases involving parental alienation, abuse, and more…

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Child Support is based on the income of one or both parents and other expenses they pay related to child care, insurance on the children and other dependents, or court-ordered support. It is paid for the benefit of the child…

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Clients facing a divorce need excellent representation to protect themselves and their families. We represent clients in the most complex divorce cases in the Carolinas. Whether you have a business to divide, alimony concerns, or child custody issues…
Domestic violence, often referred to as intimate partner violence (IPV) is far too common. About 28% of women and 12% of men experience domestic abuse during their lifetime. Being abused is not something to be ashamed of—it is a time to ask for help. Fortunately …
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A last will and testament helps protect your family and property, and enables you to decide where you would prefer your assets to go in the event of your death. A will can be used to …
Equitable distribution (“ED”) is the division of marital property as part of divorce. Often our clients have many assets to divide including retirement accounts, stock, pensions, deferred compensation, businesses, and more…
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Grandparents can seek visitation of grandchildren when the children’s parents are divorcing and have an open lawsuit. Grandparents can also seek custody of grandchildren who are neglected, abandoned or in a dangerous …
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If mediation fails and the couple is unable to resolve the case, the divorce proceeds to trial. In some states, all issues in the case are tried together. In other states, you may have one trial for property division, a separate trial for alimony, and yet another trial for custody ….

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Divorce mediation provides you and your spouse with the chance to decide certain matters of your own divorce and to determine what is best for both of you and your children by establishing a parenting plan or consent custody order….
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Preparing a prenuptial agreement requires a couple to discuss their beliefs on a number of hot button topics. This can prevent conflict later during the marriage. When you marry someone without a prenuptial agreement, you are giving up your right to decide ….
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A separation agreement is a contract between spouses that resolve issues related to the division of assets and debts, alimony or spousal support, child custody, and/or child support ….

While probate is a default mechanism that ultimately works to enforce fair distribution of even small estates, it can create undue costs and delays. For that reason, many people prefer to use strategies to keep their property out of probate when they die…

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Experience: We Have 100+ Years of Combined Experience
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Reputation: Great Reputation Both in the Courts and With Other Attorneys
Published: Our Attorneys Have Published 3 Books on Divorce & Child Custody
Caring: We Truly Listen & Do What’s Right For You & Your Specific Case
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Results: We’re Good At What We Do and Get Results For Our Clients

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